State Reps. Ann Bollin (R-Brighton Township) and Andrew Fink (R-Adams Township) have sent a letter urging House Committee on Government Operations Chairman Tullio Liberati to take up House Joint Resolution Q, a constitutional amendment they proposed to require all bills considered during a lame duck session receive a two-thirds vote of approval from the Legislature to become Michigan law.
The amendment is intended to help ensure that lame duck sessions are not exploited to pass politically unpopular, divisive legislation that elected representatives would otherwise be unwilling to support for fear of voters’ disapproval.
“Popular government depends upon the people holding their elected representatives accountable for their actions,” the letter reads. “Lame-duck sessions should not be used to circumvent our system designed to make legislators answerable to their constituencies. HJR Q would put a stop to this abuse, and as such, merits deliberation in the committee to which it has been referred.”
“This isn’t a partisan issue,” Fink said. “Republicans will be at the helm in the House next term, and we still believe this proposed amendment is the best course of action for the people of Michigan represented by the Legislature. At the very least, the committee should allow for public discourse on this measure by taking it up for testimony instead of sweeping it under the rug.”
“This same measure passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the House last term,” Bollin said. “Some of the very same Democrats who supported it then refused to sign onto the letter now. It’s a shame to see partisan games being played here rather than advancing this proposal.”
The letter was signed by 22 other representatives supporting the proposal that was referred to the committee on April 23.
Despite the letter urging the chairman’s attention, the HJR Q continues to await consideration.

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