State Rep. Cam Cavitt on Monday pledged House Republicans would embrace their newfound leadership in the state House by rising above the embroiled Democrat leadership and political infighting that has come to define the past two years.
“House Republicans may not have been in Lansing to end the year, but that dumpster fire burned so hot you could see it from the Mackinac Bridge,” said Cavitt, R-Cheboygan. “We couldn’t have been gifted a better picture of what not to do when we take over. The issues rise far above policy disagreements. Ramming through complex legislation with zero input from committees, stakeholders, or the public is not the way to govern. House Democrats behaved like high schoolers prone to procrastination – not the legislators they were elected to be.”
Cavitt noted that Republican unity, paired with a courageous independent streak by a Detroit Democrat, meant legislative death for several terrible policies, including driver’s licenses and state ID cards for illegal immigrants, National Popular Vote, subsidies for Hollywood elites, costly septic tank regulations and fees on homeowners, hunting and fishing license fee increases, early release for violent prisoners serving life sentences, and other radical initiatives.
“House Republicans have stood together for two years. Now we’re ready to carry that unity into the new year,” Cavitt said. “We won’t let 2025 be defined by empty committee rooms and canceled session days. The people gave us this mandate because there are big issues that require immediate attention. We will our tipped workers, fix our roads, and ensure our state government works for the people – not the other way around.”
The current legislative term ends on New Year’s Eve. House Republicans officially take control of the state House on Wednesday Jan. 8, the second Wednesday in January, which the Michigan constitution outlines as the required start of a legislative session. Michigan was the only state in the country to see a legislative chamber switch party control after the November election.

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